Morning Worship - 11:00 AM in our sanctuary, 274 S. Washington St. in Lyons. We are currently studying our way through the book of Revelation. Nursery care is provided for children through three years of age for parents that wish to avail themselves of our nursery care. Grace Community also commends those families that wish for the entire family to worship together in the sanctuary from the earliest of ages.
Inquirers’/prospective members’ class - on an as needed basis, with location being announced prior to start.
Sunday School - Sunday mornings at 9:45-10:30 for adults, youth, and children. Our adults are currently going through the book of Hosea. Our youth and children's classes usually use curriculum from Grace Commission Publications that help kids see that the entire Bible is to be read and understood in light of Jesus. Coffee and doughnuts are served while we study. There is a fellowship time between Sunday School and worship. If you visit and need help finding a class for adults or youth, please ask!