We exist to worship the living God in Spirit and truth. We are eager to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus throughout Vidalia and Lyons. We are committed to the ministry of the Word and the central place of the preaching of the Gospel. We do not exist for political agendas, social activism, or any other causes--no matter how legitimate and good they may be. It is our sincere desire to serve our community with the pure Word of the Gospel, and to demonstrate the love of Christ in the good works He has prepared for us by which we reach out and serve our town. We are governed and led by both elders and deacons, according to Bible passages such as 1 Timothy 3.
The Scriptures are clear that sound doctrine is of the essence of true Christianity. We believe the Westminster Confession of Faith to be the best summary of what the Bible teaches that has ever been written. All of the doctrines taught and proclaimed in our worship services and Bible studies will accord with the Westminster Standards.
For a summary of our beliefs, see our "Basics of the Faith."